Wednesday, 16 September 2009

The "get your life Right Model Vs Personal Development Model"

What we are comparing is the correct line of thinking that is in line with reality "Personal Development Model" . To a line of thinking that leads to stress and is not in line with reality "get your life Right Model". When we are stressed it is because our thinking is not in line with reality...This gives a great opportunity to reflect on what it is that stresses us out.
When we stress it is because we are using the "Get your life right model" Where you are not flowing with life’s ups and downs but trying to get life to go to your specific plan. This is the right path thinking. This thinking is great when things are going right, but when you don't reach the goal that you are striving for then you are in a world of hurt because you have attached so much of your self-worth to the outcome of your goals. When you don't get your goals you see yourself as a failure.

"Get Your Life Right Model".
— That you are on the wrong path and all that is needed is to dust yourself off and get back on track
— You are on the wrong path you are missing out on the experience that you should be having
— That you could have made a different choice at the time and things should be different
— That I am worth-less. I am not a valuable contributor to society because I have not achieved what I was supposed to achieve.

The Basic difference

"Personal Development Model"
— That there is no wrong path and that life is a journey of ups and downs
— If you are not and can never be on the wrong path, therefore you can never miss out on life and it’s lessons
— You couldn’t have made a different choice because of you only know what you know at any given time.
— That you are not worth-less because you are always contributing to yours and everyone you come in contact withs personal development.
Over the next short while I will go into each one of these points and pull them apart for you.

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